i drive alot. a few weeks ago, i strung up markers to the inside roof of my car. the markers hung down onto a sheet of paper and created drawings at every twist and turn of my drive. basically a street view map, catching movements. in all, five drawings were created and then i converted them into a cluster design. the cluster design was then repeat and flipped to make an all-over, wallpaper design. i was thinking alot about how driving places, or living far away isn't necessary but all the driving i do has good and pleasurable results. just like wallpaper isn't a necessary thing and is just to make the room a little bit better. i guess, driving long distances is like wallpaper. and maybe in the end, they really are necessary.
the end result of this will be a 26x40 screen print, in gold on steel blue paper.
any comments or suggestions would be great.

This is really fun to look at. Are we looking at one drawing repeated or many drawings by many markers simultaneously?